

Formless Forging

My awareness as a swordsmith, is simply to witness. To stand beside, and observe the fascinating process. Heart kept clean as a mirror, and mind pure as the sky. I am compelled to perform the necessary actions, and provide an optimal environment for the birth of the sword.

As an instrument of life and death, the sword ought to be imbued with beauty. Superficially this beauty, is partly due to its efficiency as a weapon. Though a noble weapon, not necessarily for conflict against a projected enemy, but as an aid for investigation and honing of yourself. As it sobers the mind and refines your presence, the inspiring beauty of a distinguished sword, should have the impact of bringing out the best in you. It may even bring you home, into a raw state of pure being.

The sword emerges through truly magical circumstances. This give rise to its sacred dimensions, and due to its inherent attributes, it becomes a divine talisman. A talisman for protection of the infinite and formless self.


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My awareness as a swordsmith, is simply to witness.To stand beside, and observe the fascinating process.Heart kept clean as a mirror, and mind pure as the sky.I am compelled to perform the necessary actions, and provide an optimal environment for the birth of the sword.